Programs and Tuition

Morning Schedule

7:00am - 8:30am - Before Care Arrival

8:30am - Arrival

8:30am to 9:30am - Choice Time

9:30am to 9:45am - Morning Meeting

9:45am to 9:55am - Bathroom Break

9:55am to 10:10am - Read Aloud

10:10am to 10:25am -Snack

10:25am to 10:45am - Large Group

10:45 am to 11:00am - Outside Time

There are only two scheduled bathroom breaks, but the children are free to use the bathroom at any period of the day.

All-Day Schedule

Our all day schedule includes our morning schedule as well as...

11:00am to 11:45am - Outside Time

11:45am to 12:00pm - Table Choices

12:00pm to 12:45pm - Lunch

12:45pm to 1:00pm - Bathroom Break and Story Time

1:00pm to 2:00pm - Rest Time

2:00pm to 3:00pm - Choice Time and Snack

3:00pm - Pick-Up

3:00pm to 4:00pm - Late Pick-Up

Tuition Prices

Half-day - $15

Full-day - $30

Before care - $4 an hour

After care - $4 an hour

Scholarship Opportunities

We take both Parent Aware scholarships as well as an Our Redeemer Lutheran funded scholarship. Reach out to our director or our lead teacher if you would like to learn more about either of these.

Curriculum & Assessments

We supplement this curriculum with activities from Pocket of Preschool and Play to Learn Preschool to fully support your child's learning.

The Creative Curriculum by Teaching Strategies has a plethora of things for your child to discover from buildings to sand to insects. This curriculum respects and nurtures individual skill progression while also connecting families to their children's learning.

Here is an example of the checklist for three-year-old's, as well as the guidelines we follow for the four-year-old checklist.

We use the Work Sampling System by Pearson for our assessments that we do twice a year. This checklist assists teachers in observing, recording, and evaluating an individual child’s skills, knowledge, behaviors, and accomplishments.

Positive Child Guidance

We use the Pyramid Model for Preschool to foster good behaviors that starts with the basis of an effective workforce. We promote healthy social and emotional behaviors and teach problem solving skills that will stick with the children through adulthood.

Forms Needed

Already signed up, but lost a form? These are all the necessary forms for the first day of school!